5 Tips to Help You Avoid Another UTI

5 Tips to Help You Avoid Another UTI

The kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra that make up your urinary system (also known as your urinary tract) are essential for disposing of waste from the foods and drinks your body takes in through the processes of excretion, secretion, and elimination. Once liquid and gaseous wastes are eliminated from your blood, the waste is secreted (or released) through producing urine, which leaves the body through the urethra and your genitals.

Conditions that affect this system, like urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are more common in women than men due to functional differences in anatomy and the distance between the genitals and anus in women. But both sexes are prone to dealing with it. To find out more about how this illness affects you and how you can avoid it, let’s examine the types of UTIs you can get and the options you have to prevent them.

And, as a few of the causes of UTIs are unique to men, we’ll take a look at those.

If you live in the Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach or South Florida area and are struggling with the signs of a UTI, Drs. Craig Herman and Steven Kester and their experienced staff at the Urology Center of Florida can help you find relief.

Types of UTIs

UTIs are frequently caused by bacteria, specifically strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Healthy forms of this bacteria live in your intestinal tract, but the strains that make you sick stick to your cells and release toxins, which can lead to UTIs in several parts of your urinary system:

Causes of UTIs in men

Men and women generally contract UTIs in a similar manner — from bacteria living on the rectum or skin — but some factors are unique to men. While not drinking enough fluids, long periods of immobility, recent surgery of the urinary tract, diabetes, kidney stones or other blockages in the urinary system, and fecal incontinence can lead to UTIs in anyone, men who are uncircumcised face a greater risk of contracting the disease.

So do older men, due to the potential of dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) as they age. This condition causes compression in the bladder, making it harder for urine to travel and leading to the buildup of bacteria.

Methods of prevention

Here are some ways to avoid urinary tract infections:

1. Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking lots of fluids (especially water) will help to flush your system of bacteria and other harmful substances by stimulating the urge to urinate.

2. Maintain personal hygiene

This means cleaning your genitals on a regular basis and cleaning from front to back when wiping after using the toilet to prevent bacteria from spreading.

Use protection during sex

If you’re having sex with someone dealing with an infection or having anal sex, wearing protection like a condom helps to prevent bacteria from spreading.

Urinate after sex

To help keep the bacteria from making its home in your urinary tract after sex, urinate to keep it out of your system.

3. Empty your bladder often

Since urination flushes toxins from your body, doing it frequently to keep bacteria from gathering and developing will help you avoid UTIs or spreading them to others. 

While medications are available to help with infection, following the basic tips outlined here will increase the chances that you won’t contract a UTI. However, if you are dealing with the signs of a UTI, make an appointment with Drs. Herman, Kester and the team at the Urology Center of Florida today to get the help you need.


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